Company Information

Business Name: Feldi srl
Registered Office: Via Perugino 10, 24068 Seriate (BG) Italy
VAT No.: 03788880981


The staff at Feldi srl strives to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information available on this website; however, errors, inaccuracies, or outdated information may be present, for which we accept no responsibility. Should any errors be reported, they will be corrected.

Website Content:

  • may not be exhaustive, complete, precise, or up to date;
  • may contain links to external sites over which Feldi srl has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.

It is not possible to guarantee the exact correspondence of any texts containing legal references. Therefore, for legal purposes, the only valid texts are those published in the Official Gazette or by official bodies, which prevail in the event of discrepancies.
Feldi srl assumes no responsibility for any problems that may arise from the use of the site or any external sites linked to it.

This disclaimer does not aim to circumvent the requirements of the applicable national laws nor to exclude liability in cases where it exists under the same legislation.


Feldi srl is an authorized seller of Tesmed brand products worldwide. The sales channels used by Feldi srl are pharmacies and the website
The terms for selling products through the website are as follows:

  • The Customer declares and guarantees: (i) to be of legal age; (ii) that the data provided by the Customer for the execution of the Contract is accurate and truthful;

  • Purchases made on are governed, where not expressly provided by these conditions, by the laws of the relevant state regarding consumer protection in distance contracts;

  • The correct receipt of the order is confirmed by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Customer when placing the order. We recommend paying close attention to entering the correct address.

  • The customer who requires an invoice must request it when placing the order.


The total price of the goods sold includes the product price plus the applicable VAT (in effect on the day of purchase). Product prices may change without notice and will be effective once published on the website.


Product images are for illustrative purposes only.


Products ordered on will be shipped directly by Feldi srl and delivered within a maximum of 2 working days from the order date via express courier.


If the customer is a consumer, i.e., a natural person who purchases goods for purposes unrelated to their professional activity, they have the right to withdraw from the contract and return the products ordered within 14 (fourteen) working days from receiving the products, without needing to provide explanations.
To exercise this right, the Customer must send a communication by registered mail to Feldi srl within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the goods. This communication should be sent to:
Feldi srlVia Perugino 10, 24068 Seriate (BG) Italy

The goods must also be returned to the same address using a trackable postal package or express courier.
The right of withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:

  • The purchased goods must be intact and returned in the original packaging, complete with all parts;

  • The shipping costs for returning the goods are the responsibility of the Customer.

Without prejudice to any restoration costs for damage to the original packaging, Feldi srl will refund the Customer the total amount paid for the goods (excluding any shipping costs applied) by sending a non-transferable check made out to the Customer. The check will be sent by registered mail to the Customer's address.
Our staff is not authorized to accept shipments made cash on delivery or with shipping costs charged to the company; in this case, the return will be automatically rejected.
The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised by those who purchase Tesmed brand products in pharmacies.